
The current effort to move to more renewable energy sources and away from a petroleum based energy economy, ‘Net Zero’, places a renewed need for improving identification and characterization of mineral deposits in order to provide the materials required. Recent work, has demonstrated the benefit of larger aperture investigations of mineral systems for both determining the processes responsible for their emplacement as well as identifying indicative geophysical signatures associated with metal endowment. The central Norwegian Caledonides historically represent a zone of large mineral endowment, though; the large-scale structural history and process that formed the mineralization remain enigmatic. Formation and concentration of metals into economic mineral deposits requires a combination of processes operating at different scales. With the near surface mineral deposit being a small component of the larger mineral system which encompasses deep fluid sources and metals, an energy source for driving circulation pathways for the migration of enriched fluids, a depositional mechanism responsible for the formation of the deposit and a fluid outflow. The Norwegian mineral deposits lie within the allochthonous nappes, detached from the original Precambrian Svecokarelian and Sveconorwegian basement and having undergone tens to hundreds of km of lateral transport. Regional scale geophysical modelling of petrophysical properties has the ability to characterize and identify the structure and process occurring throughout the entire mineral system  and determine indicative structures at mid-lower crustal depths indicative of economically viable near surface regions of metal endowment (i.e. the near surface mineral deposit). To determine the processes associated with formation of the Norwegian Caledonides and its associated mineral deposits a dense network of ~300 broadband magnetotelluric soundings covering the period range 10-3-103s have been collected over two field campaigns in 2022 and 2023 in the Trondelag area of central Norway. Phase tensor analysis indicates that the data set is 3D at all scales – we have modelled the MT data using a 3D approach (GoFEM) capable of incorporating the rugged topography of the survey area. Preliminary modeling results reveal lithospheric-scale structural controls associated with known near surface mineral deposits and processes related to the lateral transport from the underlying lower crustal source regions. As such, regional geophysical surveys offer both an economic and environmentally friendly approach to large-scale exploration efforts through identification of regional scale structural controls that are indicative of metal endowment.

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