
Digital data is a fundamental source of multimedia platform where image communication is a substantial part of it. Through image communication, information is transmitted and received on network in various fields like armed forces, military, healthcare, entertainment, and many more. To protect information, security architectures are necessary. This work proposes an enhanced method of gray scale image encryption where chaotic selection of encryption algorithm takes the priority. Confusion and diffusion is performed with four pseudo random sequence generators namely Chaotic logistic map, chaotic tent map, Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and combined chaotic map. Confusion phase is a constant operation in which logistic map generated random sequences are used to scramble the image. In diffusion phase, chaotic selection of random sequence generator is accomplished by a sum of four digits random number generated using logistic map. Then diffusion is performed by XORing the scrambled image with generated random sequences produced from respective generator. This image encryption scheme is designed using python 2.7 and validated by performing entropy, correlation, histogram, differential, encryption quality and NIST test analyses.

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