
Nowadays quality of the image is very important. But the images captured by cameras are affected by different atmospheric conditions such as haze, fog rain etc. These conditions adversely affect the visibility of the images and reduces the contrast. It is very much adverse in applications especially in military. Since the light arrives at the lens of the camera after reflection from the air particles, a large amount of fine details in the image are lost. So it is necessary to use dehazing techniques for hazy images. Image dehazing methods involves a number of algorithms to improves the quality of the images . The base of dehazing algorithms is the atmospheric scattering model and the dark channel of the image. By applying the different algorithms, we can recover the dehazed image. In this paper we compared two such algorithms, one using morphology operation based and other using MSRCR algorithm. Both of these algorithms uses a single image restoration technique and same metrics for quantitative analysis.

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