
In the collision of relativistic heavy ions with nuclear targets at the CERN SPS up to several hundred charged particles in the momentum range of 0.1–200 GeV/ c are produced. These events have been recorded on film by the NA35 streamer chamber. A computer environment for the analysis of this data was developed and became operational at the University of Frankfurt. This Frankfurt Image Processing System (FIPS) is a modular und distributed system allowing the application of image processing and image understanding techniques to digitized streamer chamber images as well as the interactive computer-assisted measurement of photographic streamer chamber pictures on traditional film projection tables. Automatic track reconstruction software has been developed which in turn utilizes a multitude of image processing and image understanding techniques. The efficiency of the pattern recognition and track reconstruction processes is greater than 95% with a very good momentum resolution dP/P = ”(0.0009P) 2 + (0.0018) 2 . So far about 20 000 of these events have been processed. Currently approximately 50 events per day are automatically analysed.

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