
Abstract: Image caption generation is a method used to create sentences that describe the scene depicted in a given image. The process includes identifying objects within the image, carrying out various operations, and identifying the most important features of the image. Once the system has identified this information, it generates the most relevant and concise description of the image, which is both grammatically and semantically correct. With the progress in deep-learning techniques, algorithms are able to generate text in the form of natural sentences that can effectively describe an image. However, replicating the natural human ability to comprehend image content and produce descriptive text is a difficult task for machines. The uses of image captioning are vast and of great significance, as it involves creating succinct captions utilizing a variety of techniques such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision(CV), and Deep Learning (DL) techniques. The current study presents a system that employs an attention mechanism, in addition to an encoder and a decoder, to generate captions. It utilizes a pretrained CNN, Inception V3, to extract features from the image and a RNN, GRU, to produce a relevant caption. The attention mechanism used in this model is Bahdanau attention, and the Flickr-8Kdataset is utilized for training the model. The results demonstrate the model's capability to understand images and generate text in a reasonable manner.

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