
Both image and flow DNA cytometry were performed in isolated nuclei from paraffin-embedded tumor tissue of patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung (SCCL). In 14 patients tissue was obtained by surgery from the primary tumor. From 14 patients tissue was taken by autopsy. From two patients tissue obtained by both surgery and later autopsy were available. From the autopsy patients tissue was taken only from the primary tumor (n = 6), from a metastasis (n = 1) and from the primary tumor and distant metastases (n = 7). Twelve of the tumors obtained by surgery were diploid, and two multiploid (two stem lines present). This was found both with image and flow cytometry. The group of patients could clearly be subdivided in short survivors (less than 9 months, n = 6) and long survivors (greater than 16 months, n = 8); since in both groups one multiploid and the remainder diploid cases were present, ploidy did not seem to be a good prognosticator for survival. In most (n = 26) of the tissues measured from the autopsy patients, again, a good correlation between image and flow DNA cytometry was obtained, the histograms being either (near) diploid or multiploid. In six cases, however, flow cytometry showed multiploidy whereas image showed aneuploidy (one single peak clearly deviating from diploidy). This discrepancy is caused because normal diploid (nonneoplastic) cells in the preparations could not be discarded from the flow cytometry measurements. Using the image cytometry data of the primary tumors, five diploid, three aneuploid, and four multiploid tumors were found. In five of the seven patients of whom tissue was obtained from the primary tumor and multiple metastases, differences between the histograms were found, mostly showing two malignant cell populations in one tissue and only one of them in another. Of one of the two patients of whom tissue was obtained by surgery and later autopsy, a change in histogram pattern was observed. It is concluded that although there is a high similarity between image and flow DNA cytometry, for an optimal interpretation of the histogram pattern, image measurements are more reliable. Ploidy determination does not seem to be of use in prediction of survival, and care should be taken in interpreting DNA histograms of metastases in SCCL patients because of the variability in histogram pattern.

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