
AbstractIn this paper, we present the basic idea of optimal control of models with discrete and continuous features. We first consider ordinary differential equation (ODE) models where we emphasize problems which are linear in the control and have discrete values for the optimal control. Three examples with ODEs illustrate how the bang-bang and singular controls could be handled. The first example utilizes a simple model with one ODE. The next two examples use systems of ODEs. One example comes from a mobile robot with one or more steerable drive wheels that steer together. The other example models species augmentation where two populations of the same species are modeled with a target/endangered population and a reserve population. Then we present an extension to an integrodifference model that is discrete in time and continuous in space. This optimal pest control problem is modeled by integrodifference equations and we illustrate how to construct the necessary conditions.KeywordsReserve PopulationSingular ControlIntegrodifferential ModelForward Backward Sweep MethodIntrinsic Growth RateThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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