
An attempt is made in this paper to highlight displacement affecting a particular (Koramas) community, which can be viewed both as a cause and effect of climate change. ‘Cause’ because these communities have been involved over the years in massive destruction of forest resources, especially bamboo (bambusoideae) bushes. ‘Effect’ because the massive destruction has meant disappearance of bamboo bushes from the vicinity, which can ruin the biodiversity of the region. The world over there are thousands of cases which point suggest the story of exploitation, natural depletion and poverty which only gets worse due to climate change. The present case suggests that the poor and vulnerable communities are impacted even more in case of climate change because it contributes to reducing the means of their livelihoods and well being. The narration goes on to describe how the illegal bamboo trade and the resultant destruction of forest resources, has displaced the community (Koramas) in question- culturally, socially, emotionally and economically. Koramas in this narration are the perpetrators and the victims. They victimize natural resources and the nature victimises them! Displacement in the modern sense has always been viewed as a result of developmental activities/projects, be it construction of big dams, industrialization or mining. Such large scale displacements catch the eyes of the activists, intellectuals and the media and a new debate emerges as to how developmental activities ought to be. During my research on Community forestry, I came across, this particular case of displacement, unlike the commonly known type of displacement, where communities are displaced due to faulty policies of the state or forced by industrialists or mining giants, this particular case is self-induced.

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