
Since antiquity, the Unani system of medicine has been participating in health care system. Usually, four modes of treatment viz. regimenal therapy, dietotherapy, pharmacotherapy and surgery are applied for the treatment of diseases. Regimenal therapy is an important mode in which the morbid matter present in the body is either dispersed/excreted or its unnecessary production is blocked or its flow is restricted and the diseases are cured by natural healer of the body, consequently bring back the humoural stability. Nearly 30 regimens have been mentioned in classical Unani literature. Commonest regimenal procedures such as fasd (venesection/phlebotomy), hijāma (cupping), ta'līq al-'alaq (hirudotherapy/leech therapy), ishāl (purgation), qay' (emesis), idrār-i-bawl (diuresis), huqna (enema), ta'rīq (diaphoresis), riyādat (exercise), dalk (massage), hammām (bathing), tadhīn (oiling), natūl (irrigation), sakūb (douching/spraying), inkibāb (steam/vapour application), takmīd (fomentation) etc. are usually applied for the management of various ailments. These regimenal procedures are completely based on holistic approach and are potential but needs to be explored scientifically. This review outlines the therapeutic applications of various regimens of regimenal therapy used in Unani medicine.


  • Four core modes of treatment are usually employed in Unani medicine such as ‘ilāj bi’l-tadbīr, ‘ilāj bil ghizā, ‘ilāj bi’l-dawā’ and ‘ilāj bi’l-yad [3] (Figure 1)

  • Firdaus al-Hikmah (Paradise of Wisdom) written by Abu alHasan Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabri (838 – 870 AD) [13], Kitab al-Mukhtarāt fi’l Tib compiled by Ibn Hubal (1121 – 1213 AD) [14], Kitab al-Umdā fi’l Jarāhat written by Ibn alQaff (1233 – 1286 AD) [15], Kitab al-Tasrīf authored by Abu al-Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas al-Zahrawi (936 – 1013 AD) known as Abulcasis in West [16], Kitab al-Kuliyāt compiled by Ibn Rushd called as Averroes in Europe (1126 – 1198 AD) [17], Zakhīrā Khawārizam Shahi authored by Ahmad al-Hasan Jurjani [18], ‘Ilāj al-Amraz written by Hakim Muhammad Shareef Khan (1722 – 1807 AD) [19], AlQarabadeen written by Kabeeruddin etc. have described various regimenal procedures [20] (Table 1)

  • Istifragh is done by various methods such as fasd, hijāma, ta‘līq al-‘alaq, ishāl, qayi’, idrār-i-bawl, huqna, ta’rīq, riyādat, hammām etc

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Unani medicineThe Unani system of medicine is one of the oldest systems of medicine which is basically pioneered in Greece, and laterThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0Ansari: Regimenal therapy: A core mode of Unani treatment medicine, the management of diseases is based on holistic approach with aim to treat body, mind, and soul.Mode of Unani treatmentFour core modes of treatment are usually employed in Unani medicine such as ‘ilāj bi’l-tadbīr (regimenal therapy), ‘ilāj bil ghizā (dietotherapy), ‘ilāj bi’l-dawā’ (pharmacotherapy) and ‘ilāj bi’l-yad (surgery) [3] (Figure 1). Commonest regimenal procedures such as fasd (venesection/phlebotomy), hijāma (cupping), ta‘līq al-‘alaq (hirudotherapy/leech therapy), ishāl (purgation), qay’ (emesis), idrār-i-bawl (diuresis), huqna (enema), ta’rīq (diaphoresis), riyādat (exercise), dalk (massage), hammām (bathing), tadhīn (oiling), natūl (irrigation), sakūb (douching/spraying), inkibāb (steam/vapour application), takmīd (fomentation) etc. Ansari: Regimenal therapy: A core mode of Unani treatment medicine, the management of diseases is based on holistic approach with aim to treat body, mind, and soul.

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