
The aim is a demonstration of a rare clinical observation of cystic ileal duplication with a complex diagnostic search of the common source of recurrent bleedings. The boy of 7 years was on the treatment at the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology due to frequent recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding. There was performed a comprehensive examination, including laboratory and instrumental methods: common blood and urine test, biochemical blood tests, x-rays of the abdomen, scintigraphy, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, video capsule endoscopic study. Results. The complex diagnostic search was performed. On the basis of the video capsule endoscopic examination and radiography of the abdominal cavity there was suspected the cystic duplication of the ileum with ulcerative defects as the source of bleeding. Upon completion of the examination and relief of post-hemorrhagic anemia there was executed the surgical treatment with resection of the changed area of the intestine and anastomosis “end to end”. The postoperative period was uneventful. Conclusion. Recurrent intestinal bleedings and bowel obstruction can be a complication of such rare malformation of the intestinal tube as the intestinal duplication. The use of modern diagnostic and surgical technology provides timely and minimally invasive treatment that leads to the rapid patient recovery, decline in overall costs and the cost of treatment.

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