
The third volume of the collection International Law Clinic Reports (ILCR) / Informes de la Clínica Jurídica Internacional (ICJI) addresses several important issues that have been raised in the Katanga and Laurent Gbagbo y Charles Blé Goudé cases towards the International Criminal Court (ICC). They refer to areas as diverse as grounds for excluding criminal liability, sentencing and reparations, which shows the ability of the International Law Clinic to provide a comprehensive analysis of any ICL topic that is relevant for ICC proceedings. On this framework, this volume contains the following articles: Content and mandatory nature of the requirements under Article 74 (5) of the Statute of the International Criminal Court in relation to no case to answer decisions - Procedural issues concerning the no case to answer decision of Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court in the Gbagbo and Blé Goudé case - Is being a former child soldier a relevant circumstance for sentencing? Special attention to the Ongwen case before the International Criminal Court - Criminal responsibility under national law of under fifteen child soldiers who were victims of forced recruitment.

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