
By enabling greater freedom of expression to the soviet civil society, Gorbachev's perestrojka caused the re-emergence of radical nationalist movements among soviet nationalities. In Ukraine these radical movements, though born in a typically post soviet social and cultural environment, drew inspiration from movements and thinkers deeply influenced by European fascism and the right wing radicalism of the first half of the twentieth century. Radical right wing nationalism in post soviet Ukraine, a minority opposed to both pro-Russian and national-democratic currents of Ukrainian mainstream political life, played no role in national independence and in the events of the first two decades of independence, including the “Orange Revolution” of 2004. The bloody events of Euromajdan and the following war in Ukraine's Donbass between pro-Ukrainians and pro-Russian separatists created an opportunity for these radical movements to play a greater political and paramilitary role and to take advantage of the renewed patriotic spirit.

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