
John Paul II in his teaching often alluded to the permanent deaconate. Usually he did it during his general audiences, the Angelus prayers, at the Plenary Session of the Congregation for the Clergy, the Jubilee of the Year 2000 of the permanent deacons, the episcopal ad limina Apostolorum visits, the apostolic journeys to different countries and meetings with the permanent deacons. According to the pope, the Second Vatican Council restored the permanent diaconate in the Latin Church as an independent and permanent hierarchical rank of those who live in celibacy or those who are married, so that the Church could spread the redemptive work of Jesus Christ even more effectively. The permanent deacon by the power of the holy orders, as he imitates Christ the servant, in close bond with his bishop and his clergy, he realizes a triple diakonia of: the Word, liturgy, and mercy. As he preaches the Word of God, makes the catechesis, and engages in the evangelization in the place where he lives and works, he exercises the diakonia of the Word. The diakonia of liturgy is realized by his service at the Eucharist, the sacraments and sacramentals. The diakonia of mercy is being practised by the material help given to those in need. As he teaches about the deacon’s spirituality, the pope notices that its source is found in sacramental grace of deaconate that helps to participate in the consecration and mission of the One, who has become the servant of the Father in salvation of man. This grace leads him, in a new and particular way, to the mystery of Christ and the Church and also in the redemptive work of all people. Throughout his life the permanent deacon should attempt to imitate attitudes, desires and acts of Jesus Christ the Servant, that is, to make an effort to become like Christ himself.

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