
Determining drug-drug interactions (DDIs) is an important part of pharmacovigilance and has a vital impact on public health. Compared with drug trials, obtaining DDI information from scientific articles is a faster and lower cost but still a highly credible approach. However, current DDI text extraction methods consider the instances generated from articles to be independent and ignore the potential connections between different instances in the same article or sentence. Effective use of external text data could improve prediction accuracy, but existing methods cannot extract key information from external data accurately and reasonably, resulting in low utilization of external data. In this study, we propose a DDI extraction framework, instance position embedding and key external text for DDI (IK-DDI), which adopts instance position embedding and key external text to extract DDI information. The proposed framework integrates the article-level and sentence-level position information of the instances into the model to strengthen the connections between instances generated from the same article or sentence. Moreover, we introduce a comprehensive similarity-matching method that uses string and word sense similarity to improve the matching accuracy between the target drug and external text. Furthermore, the key sentence search method is used to obtain key information from external data. Therefore, IK-DDI can make full use of the connection between instances and the information contained in external text data to improve the efficiency of DDI extraction. Experimental results show that IK-DDI outperforms existing methods on both macro-averaged and micro-averaged metrics, which suggests our method provides complete framework that can be used to extract relationships between biomedical entities and process external text data.

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