
Shin Egawa m. d. Associate Editor An academic journal functions as a vector to convey messages and information among researchers around the world who share an interest. International Journal of Urology, the official joint journal of the Japanese Urological Association and the Urological Association of Asia, now merits an exchange of views and opinions. In this issue of the journal, we have six original articles, two on the management and predisposition of urinary stones, two on the management of prostate cancer, one on the predictor of disease recurrence in renal cell carcinoma and one on surgical technique in hypospadias repair. Ando et al. (Nagoya, Japan) found the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance to be associated with a history of kidney stones. They proposed that metabolic syndrome components could increase the risk of kidney stones through subclinical hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. Zhou et al. (Hefei, China) reported the feasibility and efficacy of a retroperitoneal laparoscopic approach for the management of large staghorn renal calculi on 11 patients. Capitanio et al. (Milan, Italy) attempted to develop a user-friendly flowchart to assist urologists when incidental prostate cancer is diagnosed. They found clinical stage (T1a vs T1b) assessment did not help in predicting pT0 cases. Lee et al. (Seoul, Korea) prospectively investigated to determine whether robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy carried out within either 2 or 4 weeks of prostatic biopsy to be associated with surgical difficulty or immediate postoperative outcome. They concluded that a short interval between the prostatic biopsy and surgery to be feasible and safe. Muramaki et al. (Kobe, Japan) attempted to identify clinicopathological predictors of disease recurrence in a cohort of Japanese patients undergoing radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma. The finding was interesting; that is, age at diagnosis in addition to tumor size appeared to be independently related to disease recurrence in pT1 disease. Zhao et al. (Beijing, China) reported on the use of buccal mucosa graft as a tube for the two-stage repair for severe and complicated hypospadias in adults. The scrotal fascio-cutaneous flap provided a good, waterproof, vascularized cover. Four of these articles are accompanied by constructive editorial comments. We also have three review articles, one on bacillus Calmette–Guérin treatment of bladder carcinoma by Sylvester (Brussels, Belgium), one on immunological therapy for urological malignancy by Finley et al. (Los Angeles, USA), and one on urological imaging by Bueschen et al. (Birmingham, USA). There are four short communications on primary adult intratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma, a nationwide survey of surgical procedures for benign prostatic hyperplasia in Japan, a 1-year clinical outcome in photoselective vaporization for prostate obstruction, and the relationship between expression of cancer testis gene D40 in the testes and the clinicopathological features of infertile men. We also have one Letter to the Editor on a case of calculus in the true ureteral diverticulum. Our understanding of any events can be further facilitated through insightful and interactive discussion. We welcome comments and contributions from readers all around the world.

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