
Background: Out of 6 outbreaks happened in India 4 were from Kerala. Similar to the previous outbreak in Kerala, the one in 2023 also started with the one case and subsequent clustering of cases in family contacts and likely nosocomial transmission in hospitals. It shows the rest of the country are exposed to the high risk of another outbreak making preparedness vital. Objective: To understand the process of controlling the outbreak Methodology: The following data was collected from District Medical Office, Media, Press release collected. On 10th September information about death of a person and development of similar symptoms in family was reported. The death audit was done. The close contacts of primary case were also traced. The 2nd death of a person was investigated and taken as index case. All the primary and secondary contacts of both cases were traced, line listed, quarantined and followed for any onset of symptoms. Fever surveillance and fever clinics were started and outbreak was declared. Mapping of areas done and containment zones and lockdown was declared till October 1st. Later 2 more health care workers turned positive. Multi-disciplinary teams were mobilized. Nipah cell was opened and 19 core committees were formed. Contacts were categorised in to high and low risk. To disseminate the details media point was arranged. Results: The contact between primary and index case established. Two family members of the deceased were also turned positive within in 1 week. Field visit was done to recognise the source. Fever survey was started and fever cases were detected. Government hospitals were prepared to meet the emergency by arranging wards according to the severity of disease. Conclusion: In response to the recurrent NiV outbreaks, it is paramount that proactive measures be taken to mitigate future risks. Enhanced Surveillance is of utmost importance.

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