
Background: Travel medicine is crucial in addressing the health risks associated with international travel, especially among young adults who are increasingly mobile. Despite the growth in global travel, studies indicate a lack of awareness and adherence to preventive measures among travellers. Objectives: To assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of medical and dental students regarding travel medicine. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted among medical and dental students at Kasturba Medical College and Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, India. A convenient sampling method was employed, and data was collected using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire assessed participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to travel medicine. Data analysis was performed using SPSS v20.0. Results: A total of 195 students participated, with a majority being female (72.3%) and in the age group ≤20 years (48.2%). Most participants had traveled internationally (71.3%) for purposes such as holidays (51.3%) and returning home (44.6%). While awareness of travel medicine was high (75.4%), knowledge levels were predominantly poor (50.3%). Participants showed high-risk perception towards health threats during travel but demonstrated low adherence to pre- and post-travel health check-ups. Key sources of information included the internet/social media (41.0%) and family/friends (35.9%). Conclusion: Despite high awareness, medical and dental students exhibited poor knowledge and inadequate adherence to preventive measures related to travel medicine. There was a notable disparity between perceived importance and actual practice of pre- and post-travel health check-ups. Efforts should be made to enhance education and awareness regarding travel medicine among young adults to mitigate travel-related health risks effectively.

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