
DB is a perfect NoSQL database. We can improve performance and index operations speed using this DB database. There are various features of DB like increased speed of database operations, various functions instead of complex SQL queries and a very huge performance improvement. Python is web scripting language used for high usage websites for improving performance of the website and reducing the overhead on the web server. We will use this Python language in integration with DB for highest possible performance. Mongo DB wasn't designed in a lab. DB is Open-source database introduced by 10gen, for wide Variety of application.It is an agile database that allow Schema to change quick as application evolve. DB is High performance, scalability and availability in memory computing. DB native replication and Automated failure's enable enterprise grade reliability and also have operational flexibility. DB is a database which has document oriented storage. It is also object oriented written in C++. DB is open-source full index support database. It is easy to use and in the DB written query is very simple. DB provide Map Reduce function .It also provide Grid Fs for process on Big Data. DB is very powerful much flexible and provide very nice speed. DB is the primary daemon process for DB system in mongo DB database is physical container for collection. Each database get its own set of file on the file system. A single DB server typically has multipledatabases. In DB collection is Table and document is row And column/attribute/variable is filed. In DB document is set of key value pair. DB support Various driverssuch as AggregationFramework. AutoSharading, JSON data model with dynamic schema.

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