
The highest solar cell efficiencies have been achieved with III-V photovoltaics (PV). Still, the use of III-V materials in terrestrial applications has been very limited, mainly because of their high cost. The high cost is primarily due to the expensive Ge or GaAs wafers which could amount up to one-half of the total module cost! A prominent approach to reduce the impact of the high cost of substrates used for III-V PV is through re-use of the wafer substrates by Epitaxial Lift-Off (ELO). Typically, using a sacrificial layer such as AlAs, the device part of the cell is lifted off, leaving behind the substrate for re-use for fabrication of the next device. While conversion efficiency as high as 29.1% has been achieved by ELO method, chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) of the substrate is required which significantly adds to the overall solar cell cost. In this project, we have developed a novel ELO architecture for single junction gallium arsenide (GaAs) solar cells that will not require CMP of the substrate for re-use. Multiple reuses of GaAs wafers have been demonstrated with no CMP, without degradation in solar cell efficiency. Also, the solar cells have been successfully lifted off and transferred to inexpensive substrates with less than 2% change in efficiency. By elimination of the CMP process, which is the highest cost component of III-V solar cells made by conventional ELO method (~$10/W), and decreasing the substrate cost by multiple re-uses, the developed technology could be a leap forward in significantly reducing the cost of III-V photovoltaics.

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