
An obvious experiment that arises from the previous neutrino studies (Block et al . 1964; C. E. R. N. 1965; Myatt 1965) is to investigate neutrino interactions on free protons in a propane bubble chamber. A new neutrino beam sufficiently intense to achieve this aim is being constructed at C. E. R. N. A schematic layout of the installation is shown in figure 1. The bubble chamber programme which will start early 1967, will investigate N* formation in neutrino proton interactions (C. E. R. N. 1966) and will extend the scope of the previous studies of neutrino-nucleon interactions. A spark chamber installation (Hahn, Gerber, Hofer & Krienen 1965) will be operated simultaneously with the bubble chamber for a new test of muon number conservation. The event rate of muons identified in the spark chambers and whose sign has been deter­mined in their passage through the bubble chamber, will be compared with that expected from detailed estimation of the neutrino flux (W. Venus, private communication). A violation of muon number conservation to the extent of a few μ + per thousand μ - produced by v μ should be detectable.

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