
Abstract We construct the type-IIB AdS4 ⋉ K supergravity solutions which are dual to the three-dimensional $ \mathcal{N} = 4 $ superconformal field theories that arise as infrared fixed points of circular-quiver gauge theories. These superconformal field theories are labeled by a triple $ \left( {\rho, \hat{\rho},L} \right) $ subject to constraints, where ρ and $ \hat{\rho} $ are two partitions of a number N, and L is a positive integer. We show that in the limit of large L the localized five- branes in our solutions are effectively smeared, and these type-IIB solutions are dual to the near-horizon geometry of M-theory M2-branes at a $ {{{{{\mathbb{C}}^4}}} \left/ {{\left( {{Z_k}\times {Z_{\widehat{k}}}} \right)}} \right.} $ orbifold singularity. Our IIB solutions resolve the singularity into localized five-brane throats, without breaking the conformal symmetry. The constraints satisfied by the triple $ \left( {\rho, \hat{\rho},L} \right) $ , together with the enhanced non-abelian flavour symmetries of the superconformal field theories are precisely reproduced by the type-IIB supergravity solutions. As a bonus, we uncover a novel type of “orbifold equivalence” between different quantum field theories and provide quantitative evidence for this equivalence.


  • A large class of conformal field theories can be obtained by perturbing a Gaussian fixedpoint theory in the ultraviolet by a relevant operator, and following the renormalization group flow in the infrared

  • We construct the type-IIB AdS4 K supergravity solutions which are dual to the three-dimensional N = 4 superconformal field theories that arise as infrared fixed points of circular-quiver gauge theories

  • We show that in the limit of large L the localized fivebranes in our solutions are effectively smeared, and these type-IIB solutions are dual to the near-horizon geometry of M-theory M2-branes at a C4/(Zk × Zk) orbifold singularity

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Linear and circular quivers

This data completely encodes the field content of the ultraviolet mirror pair [27] of quiver gauge theories which flow to the same fixed point in the infrared. Mirror symmetry for this class of quiver gauge theories is realized very by the exchange of the two partitions mirror symmetry : ρ ←→ ρ. The Young tableaux constraints are symmetric under the exchange of ρ and ρ, see appendix A, and are consistent with mirror symmetry These infrared superconformal field theories are believed to have a rich pattern of global symmetries, inherited from the symmetries acting on the Higgs and Coulomb branch of the quiver gauge theory from which the fixed point is reached in the infrared. We already presented the supergravity description of the superconformal theories associated to linear quivers in [5]

Solutions of IIB supergravity
Local solutions
Admissible singularities
Linear-quiver geometries
From strip to annulus
Calculation of D3-brane charges
Parameter match
Limiting geometries
Pinched annulus and wormbranes
Large-L limit and M2 branes
Orbifold equivalences and free energies
A Mirror symmetry of inequalities
B Proof of the inequalities in supergravity
C From IIB to M theory for large L
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