
If we consider a pencil of rays issuing from a point on the axis of a symmetrical optical system ( i. e ., a system of refracting spherical surfaces, the centres of which lie on a straight line called the axis of the system), it is well known that, if the pencil be a thin one, of which the mean ray is along the axis, the first approximation to the emergent pencil is another punctual pencil, of which the rays pass through an image point, also situated on the axis. The general method of treatment of such image points, which are usually referred to as “geometrical” images, is due to Gauss, and is developed in any text book of Geometrical Optics. When, however, the pencil considered is one of finite aperture, the outlying rays do not, after emergence, pass through the Gaussian image point, nor do they have the inclination assigned to them by the Gaussian calculation. The emergent rays lying in any one axial plane touch an envelope or caustic, which has one cusp at the Gaussian image, with the axis as proper tangent. The intercepts of any given emergent ray upon the axis and the image plane, measured from the Gaussian image, are known as the longitudinal and transverse spherical aberrations of that ray.

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