
In a previous communication concerning the porphyrin excretion in normal individuals1 we have briefly outlined a concept of the dualism of the porphyrins, stating that in certain pathological conditions increased or decreased Type III porphyrin construction associated with hematopoietic activity may lead to a proportionally increased or decreased Type I porphyrin construction and excretion. This communication presents data which bear out this concept.A classical case of hemolytic jaundice with 1,600,000 R.B.C., 4.5 gm. of hemoglobin per 100 cc, 21,000 nucleated R.B.C., 5,800 W.B.C., 10% reticulocytes, icterus index 30, Van den Berg (indirect) 3.1 mg.%, and markedly increased R.B.C. fragility was studied. The patient was maintained throughout the period of observation on a bland diet containing small amounts of meat. After 3 blood transfusions splenectomy was performed, following which R.B.C. increased to 2,500,000, hemoglobin to 9.0 gm. per 100 cc., the reticulocytes decreased to 2%, and the icterus index...

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