
This paper presents the first study of chicken IgY pharmacokinetics (PK) in rabbits. We measured IgY blood serum concentrations using a specific high sensitivity ELISA method. The fast initial component observed when studying horse Fab, F(ab′)2 or IgG was absent from IgY PK. During the first 80 min of observation there was only a single slow exponential decay, which sped up afterward to the point that IgY became undetectable after 216 h of observation; due to this time course, PK parameters were determined with trapezoidal integration. The most significant IgY pharmacokinetic parameters determined were (all presented as medians and their 95% confidence interval): Area Under the Curve = 183.8 (135.2, 221.5) mg·h·L−1; Distribution volume of the central compartment·[Body Weight (BW)]−1 = 46.0 (21.7, 70.3) mL·kg−1; Distribution volume in steady state·BW−1 = 56.8 (44.4, 68.5) mLkg−1; Mean Residence Time = 40.1 (33.6, 48.5) h; Total plasma clearance·BW−1 = 1.44 (1.15, 1.66) mL·h−1·kg−1. Anti IgY IgG titers determined by ELISA increased steadily after 72 h, and reached 2560 (1920, 5760) dilution−1 at 264 h; anti-chicken IgG concentrations rose up to 3.19 (2.31, 6.17) μg/mL in 264 h. Our results show that IgY PK lacks the fast initial decay observed in other PK studies using horse IgG, F(ab′)2 or Fab, remains in the body 39.0 (28.7, 47.2) % much as IgG and is ≈3 times more immunogenic that horse IgG in rabbits.

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