
In 1521, Magellan's fleet completed its circumnavigation of the globe and limped into home port. In 1521, Conquistador Cortes toppled Tenochtitlan. To add to these world historic events, in Rome Pope Leo X made good on his threat to excommunicate an annoying north German monk, Martin Luther, for heresy. And, finally in a battle at Pamplona pitting the great dynastic rivals of the age, Habsburg and Valois, a Basque nobleman fell, then rose to lead a spiritual revival that exploited Magellan's travels and Cortes's conquests to confront Luther's newly-shaped Protestantism. Historians of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations have often placed Ignatius and Luther in opposition because one of the grand narratives of the early modern period involves a militant Society of Jesus pushing back the Protestant Reformation's ever-expanding frontiers. In the case of Ignatius, his character not only informed the Society of Jesus, but the entire Catholic Church. Keywords: Catholic Church; Ignatius Loyola; Martin Luther; Protestantism; Society of Jesus

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