
In bony fish, IGF-I released from the liver under the control of pituitary GH is the main endocrine regulator of growth, maintenance and development, and the amount of circulating IGF-I regulates synthesis and release of GH. In mammals and amphibia, evidence indicates that anterior pituitary endocrine cells also contain IGF-I. However, only preliminary and conflicting data exist on IGF-I gene expression in bony fish pituitary. Thus, we investigated the presence of IGF-I in the tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus) pituitary by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry. The absolute amount of IGF-I mRNA in the whole pituitary (7.4 ± 3.3 × 10 −3 pg/μg total RNA) was 1000-times lower than in liver (7.5 ± 3.1 pg/μg total RNA). IGF-I peptide occurred in both neuro- and adenohypophysis but IGF-I gene expression was mainly restricted to the adenohypophysis. In the neurohypophysis, only few cells, probably pituicytes, contained IGF-I mRNA whereas IGF-I peptide was found also in numerous axons in the pars nervosa. In the adenohypophysis, both IGF-I mRNA and peptide were present in the majority of ACTH cells in all individuals investigated. In α-MSH cells, only IGF-I mRNA but no IGF-I peptide was detected likely suggesting an immediate release of IGF-I after synthesis. IGF-I mRNA and peptide were further observed in GH cells but their presence showed pronounced inter-individual differences likely due to the physiological, e.g., nutritional, status of the individual. IGF-I released from the GH cells may serve as auto/paracrine mediator of a negative feedback mechanism in addition to liver-derived endocrine IGF-I. Generally, the constitutive synthesis of IGF-I in ACTH cells and the varying content in GH and α-MSH cells suggest particular roles for IGF-I. Local IGF-I may regulate synthesis and release of pituitary hormones in an autocrine and/or paracrine manner as well as prevent apoptosis and stimulate proliferation of endocrine cells.

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