
BDF1 mice were given three i.v. injections of ovalbumin (OA) to induce antigen-specific suppressor T cells. Incubation of spleen cells of OA-treated mice with homologous antigen resulted in the formation of IgE-suppressive factor. This factor was not derived from antigen-specific suppressor T cells, but suppressor T cells were essential for determining the nature of IgE-binding factors formed. In the spleen cells of OA-treated mice, antigenic stimulation of antigen-primed Lyt-1+ (helper) T cells resulted in the formation of inducers of IgE-binding factor, whereas Lyt-2+, I-J+ T cells released glycosylation-inhibiting factor (GIF), and these two factors, in combination, induced unprimed Lyt-1+ T cells to form IgE-suppressive factor. The role of GIF is to inhibit the assembly of N-linked oligosaccharides on IgE-binding factors during their biosynthesis, and thereby provide them with a biologic activity: suppression of the IgE response. Under the experimental conditions employed, GIF was released spontaneously from antigen-specific suppressor T cells. However, antigenic stimulation of the cells enhanced the release of the factor. GIF from antigen-specific suppressor T cells has a m.w. of 25,000 to 30,000, as estimated by using gel filtration, binds to anti-I-J alloantibodies and to a monoclonal antibody specific for lipomodulin, and has affinity for specific antigen. The possible relationship between antigen-specific GIF and antigen-specific suppressor factors is discussed.

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