
Sensory organ glia surround neuronal receptive endings (NREs), forming a specialized compartment important for neuronal activity, and reminiscent of glia-ensheathed synapses in the central nervous system. We previously showed that DAF-6, a Patched-related protein, is required in glia of the C. elegans amphid sensory organ to restrict sensory compartment size. LIT-1, a Nemo-like kinase, and SNX-1, a retromer component, antagonize DAF-6 and promote compartment expansion. To further explore the machinery underlying compartment size control, we sought genes whose inactivation restores normal compartment size to daf-6 mutants. We found that mutations in igdb-2, encoding a single-pass transmembrane protein containing Ig-like and fibronectin type III domains, suppress daf-6 mutant defects. IGDB-2 acts in glia, where it localizes to glial membranes surrounding NREs, and, together with LIT-1 and SNX-1, regulates compartment morphogenesis. Immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry demonstrates that IGDB-2 binds to LGC-34, a predicted ligand-gated ion channel, and lgc-34 mutations inhibit igdb-2 suppression of daf-6. Our findings reveal a novel membrane protein complex and suggest possible mechanisms for how sensory compartment size is controlled.

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