
To the Editors: In a recent article published in the European Respiratory Journal , Bont et al. 1 presented data on systemic cytokine responses in hospitalized ventilated and nonventilated infants with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis. Their main findings were a lower production of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and elevated plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-8 in ventilated patients. They concluded from their data that a depressed lymphocyte function and elevated IL-8 plasma levels are markers of severe RSV bronchiolitis in infants requiring ventilation. However, the median age in ventilated patients was significantly lower than in nonventilated patients (1 versus 4 months). Furthermore, eight out of 14 ventilated patients were prematurely born. From that point of view it is difficult to compare these different groups because IFN-γ response is age-related and increases after 2 months of age 2. Performing a recently developed technique …

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