
When do children distinguish a person's subjective identity from their outward bodily characteristics? As adults this distinction is evident in our commonsense recognition that a hypothetical brain transplant would entail a transplant of the mind or self. 4 studies were conducted to examine children's judgments about hypothetical body part transplants, including transplants of the brain, heart, mouth, and face. The results showed that during the elementary school years children are acquiring a firm understanding of the brain as the primary locus of psychological attributes and identity. The early school years, between the ages of 5 and 7 years, appeared to be a transitional phase, with performance being variable and subject to task conditions. While children this age readily imagined the consequences of transplants between themselves and another character of categorically different status (i.e., a pig or baby), they had great difficulty with proposed transplants between themselves and another child of the same status. Knowledge about categorical differences appeared to provide a needed framework for children's budding thinking about psychological differences.

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