
This study aimed to provide an explanation on the perceptions of height by selected Filipino youth and discuss the factors that shape these perceptions. Both quantitative and qualitative surveys were conducted on 300 youth participants (150 males and 150 females), where they rated 30 statements and answered open-ended questions. Quantitative data were analyzed statistically, and qualitative data were arranged into a comprehensive matrix and thematic coding of responses. Height mainly symbolizes three components: advantage, capability and desirability. Participants believe that being tall is an advantage in playing sports, will open up opportunities for work, and can help in doing everyday tasks. Height can also be a key to attracting the opposite sex. The ‘bigger is better’ prejudice appears to extend to a person’s experiences as well—short people’s experiences differ from those of taller people. Benefits brought by tallness is so sought that many Filipinos exert extra efforts to grow taller. Tall bodies demonstrate a non-economic advantage that gives higher status and sociopolitical distinction in the Filipino society.

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