
IntroductionRupture of unscarred pregnant uterus is a rare occurrence and its incidence is higher in developing countries. Rupture of unscarred uterus is associated higher likelihood of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Occurrence of rupture of an unscarred uterus lays foundation for the importance of supervised labour and to maintain a high index of suspicion even in a prim gravida.Case reportWe present a case of spontaneous rupture of unscarred uterus in a primigravida with no known risk factors. Rupture was diagnosed in second stage of labour when there was cessation of contractions and loss of station. On exploratory laparotomy, hemoperitoneum of 100 ml and a 10 cm tear was found in left posterolateral aspect of uterus. The tear was repaired successfully and patient had a normal post- operative course.DiscussionPresence of a uterine scar is the key factor leading to rupture. Spontaneous rupture of unscarred uterus is a rare entity and is associated with multiple factors. In our case, all these factors were ruled out. In literature search we could find 15 cases of spontaneous rupture in unscarred uterus. According to our best knowledge this is the 7th case of rupture in unscarred uterus, reported in a prim gravida without any obvious risk factors.ConclusionRupture uterus should be kept in mind in all patients, even in primigravida if there is high index of suspicion. Quick diagnosis and immediate laparotomy is the cornerstone of treatment in such cases.

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