
54 Idiopathic Chronic Urticaria: Comparison Between Intradermal Skin Test and TDBH (Human Basophils Degranulation Test) Zulma Liliana Morales, Viviana Segui, Jose Egidio Fabiani, Leonardo Greiding Argentine Institute of Allergy and Immunology, Buenos Aires, Argentina URTICARIA AND AUTOANTIBODIES: In 1991 Greaves reported that intradermal injection of autologous sera obtained from patients with chronic urticaria could give inmediate positive results. Several groups have confirmed and extended the original observation of Greaves, demonstrated that 37% of IgG isolated from chronic urticaria patients exhibited autoreactivity against FCe R1. OBJECTIVE: Compare the results of intradermal test with autologous sera with percentage of basophil degranulation, induced with those sera. METHODS: Total of 22 patients with ICU. Intradermal test with autologous sera: 0,05 cc compared with fisiologic solution witness. We consider positive test when the difference is > 1,5 mm. TDBH (Human Basophil Degranulation Test) concentrated sera and dilutions 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000 (Grinstein and Simkin Technic). Re-count and percentage of witness basophil degranulation. RESULTS: Positive lntradermal Test: 14/22 patients. Percents of Basophil Degranulation: 21-29-18-11-16-19-19-12-33-40-26-18-24-25, X= 22,2. Negative Intradermal Test: 8/22 patients. Percents of Basophil Degranulation: 22-17-19-14-22-18-19-7, X= 17,2. Fischer Test: p = 0,0981. CONCLUSION: The difference between positive and negative intradermal test and TDBH are, to this number of patients no significative, most number of patients could give us a definitive statistic relation.

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