
The article deals with the social functions of philosophical factors in the formation of a modern model of tourism specialist. This model is formed and considered in accordance with the basic normative educational document - the Standard of higher education in the specialty 242 "Tourism" of the field of knowledge 24 "Sphere of service" by educational and professional program (OPP). The author makes a sample of some of the general competences provided by the educational-professional program of preparation of bachelors in the specialty "Tourism" and monitors the provision of appropriate substantiation of the nature of their provision in teaching the course "Philosophy". It is also substantiated that the philosophical and cultural approach in the system of tourism education allows the whole tourism industry to reach a higher level of self-awareness and adequately reflect a deeper understanding of tourism not just as a combination of travel and entertainment, but as a powerful factor in integrating and generating human spirituality. The author monitors these positions on the example of philosophical and cultural provision of relevant competencies of tourism specialists.

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