
Everyday public discourse and empirical researches show that the ideological thinking among the major part of Lithuanian society is practically non-existent (political attitudes are found to be incoherent, and opinions are seemingly self-contradictory). Such unpopularity of ideological thinking makes it difficult to predict the political outlooks and behavior of the public and potentially challenges the foundations of the representative democracy. However, conclusions on the broader political thinking inconsistency in society would be hasty without evaluating the existence of alternative coherent belief systems or systems of political attitudes. In other words, the methodological perspective is worth to be changed: from searching ideological thinking along presupposed strict ideological lines as suggested by the classical political thought, to looking for the possible other consistencies in the same field, other sets of the same political attitudes. In this article, primary results of such research, obtained after applying the Q-sort methodology, are presented, and three shared social perspectives, which operate as certain political ideologies among Lithuanian public, are discussed. The first one, conditionally named free self-expression discourse, centre on the extensive advocacy of free, equally for everybody accessible self-expression idea and a strong opposition to any restrictions of personal freedom and choice. Though economic issues do not play a key role in this perspective, along the ideas of free market competition the priority lies on some “minimum” of care, which the state ought to ensure for its population. The second perspective is based on the perception of the current situation in the state and society as chaotic, flawed, and reveals longing for the “order” which mainly means a high priority given to one strong leader. In this shared social perspective, moral and economic issues are (at best) of secondary importance while Soviet times and current Russia are seen positively through a pragmatic and even a nostalgic prism. Finally, the third perspective, which could be called the traditional morality discourse, cherish the so-called traditional values such as respect of life, family, religion, ethnic identity, and condemns the Soviet regime in which these values were suppressed. These three shared social perspectives could be respectively linked with the ideologies of social liberalism, authoritarianism, and conservatism. However, emphasizing the authenticity of these perspectives, the interconnections should be deliberated and not too much binding. Most important, these perspectives could be regarded as an evidence of coherent political thinking in Lithuanian society – internally coherent political belief systems are found, and they are shared by society members.


  • Everyday public discourse and empirical researches show that the ideological thinking among the major part of Lithuanian society is practically non-existent

  • Conclusions on the broader political thinking inconsistency in society would be hasty without evaluating the existence of alternative coherent belief systems or systems of political attitudes

  • Primary results of such research, obtained after applying the Q-sort methodology, are presented, and three shared social perspectives, which operate as certain political ideologies among Lithuanian public, are discussed

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Pagrindiniai Lietuvos visuomenės ideologiniai naratyvai

Įsitikinimų sistemų, kurios išryškėja Lietuvos gyventojams mąstant apie visuomenės sugyvenimą ir valstybės valdymo tvarką, taigi – ideologinių naratyvų, ieškota 50-ies anksčiau aprašytų teiginių rinkinį pateikiant rūšiuoti 29-iems informantams 2012 m. balandį–gegužę bei lapkritį–gruodį. Konkretus informantų skaičius parinktas kaip kompromisas atsižvelgiant į naujausias rekomendacijas Q-sort tyrimui: viena vertus, dėl atvirkštinės kiekybinės analizės logikos teiginių turi būti daugiau nei apklausiamųjų (siūloma „norma“ – apklausiamųjų imtimi neviršyti trečdalio ar net pusės teiginių skaičiaus15), kita vertus, turi būti sudarytos sąlygos kiekvienai iš tiriamų struktūrų – potencialių mąstymo sistemų – būti pakankamai reprezentuotai (bendrų politinių ideologinių nuostatų sistemų atveju jų galima tikėtis gana nemažai). Jų metu stebėtos informantų reakcijos, fiksuoti svarstymai, argumentacijos rūšiuojant teiginius kaip atspindinčius nuomonę ar jos neatspindinčius ir daugiau ar mažiau svarbius. Surinktų duomenų analizė[18] atskleidė septynias „ideologines“ perspektyvas, egzistuojančias Lietuvos visuomenėje. Išskiriant faktorius taikyta pamatinių komponenčių analizė ir varimax sukimas, faktorių skaičius apibrėžtas pagal nerotuotų faktorių koreliacijų matricos tikrines reišmes (eigenvalues > 1). Kaip ir su detalesniu tyrimo pristatymu, išsamesniais analizės duomenimis, galima susipažinti straipsnio autorės daktaro disertacijoje

Laisvos saviraiškos pasakojimas
Tvirtos rankos perspektyva
Tradicinės moralės perspektyva
19. Politika ir religija neturėtų būti susiję
CPMP išskiriamos svarbios politikos sritys
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