
Analysis of the causes and preconditions of the russian invasion allows us to assert the important ideological component in the russian-ukrainian war, which once prepared the ground for the popularization of the ideas of racist ideology. Russia’s aggressive policy and active military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 led to a change in the worldview of Ukrainian society, which was reflected in the legislative activity of Parliament. After all, it is clear that only Ukrainian studies knowledge and self-knowledge of one’s identity will create conditions for building an independent state and forming a political nation. The article analyzes the main directions of development of national legislation in the context of the russian invasion of Ukraine and its further improvement by recognizing the term “rashism”. The adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On De-Sovietization of the Legislation of Ukraine” during the martial law in Ukraine is most likely to satisfy the demand of civil society for the need for a final break with the Soviet past. Analysis of the content of the Law shows that its adoption is aimed at systematizing domestic legislation, bringing it in line with European standards and the need for codification in the light of modern realities. In the conditions of russian aggression, when a significant part of russian society is set on the total destruction of the bearers of Ukrainian identity, the Ukrainian Parliament faces the task of resisting the new - rashism ideology. Currently, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy calls on civil society to promote and recognize the term “rashism” at the national and international levels. Therefore, the term “rashism” and the prohibition of rashism ideology, which has led to catastrophic consequences, must be enshrined in national law. Rashism is a form of totalitarian political ideology based on the violation of the principles of international law aimed at violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of independent states by occupying and annexing their territories, committing war crimes and crimes against humanity based on the promotion of hatred, the cult of the national leader, the uniqueness and greatness of the russian nation. Key words: ideology, legislation, decommunization, de-Sovietization, rashism.

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