
The article discusses procedures of linguistic expertise of political text aimed at revealing and assessing its ideological impact. The empirical material includes the debut address of the US 45-th president at the 72 UNO session in September this year and response reactions to it in the global press. This speech is qualified as a perfect sample of conflict generating discourse in political communication. The research is based on linguacultural approach to ideological content as a variety of cultural information in conjunction with componential, contextual and discursive methods. The author substantiates a three-level model of expertise: the level of textual linguistic elements; the categorical level based on cultural modality responsible for the exposition of the categories of the linguacultural paradigm and those of linguapolitics; the discursive level of a text viewed as a product of linguapolitical modeling of reality. The linguistic expertise of texts reveals the role of ideological connotations which reflect cultural axiological assessment of world events in the mind of a political discourse subject. The categorical level of analysis brings to light conditions of discursive functioning with reference to categories of Us/Them, precedence, political power, political asymmetry and inequality in intercultural space. The level of discursive organization of a text proves the importance of ideological values of American linguaculture in linguapolitical modelling of world relations pursuing the posttruth politics when covering current urgent issues, evaluating events of the past and giving prognostic views of the future.

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