
The expelled Jesuits Lorenzo Hervas and Juan Andres were the most representative authors of the so-called «Spanish Universalist School of the eighteenth century», whose literary production took place in very different personal circumstances, which influenced his historical memory. This article briefly analyzes the editorial context in which the two great encyclopedias Idea dell’Universo de Hervas appeared in the Gregorio Biasini printing house in Cesena, and Dell’origine, progressi e stato attuale d’ogni letteratura de Juan Andres in that of Giambattisa Bodoni in Parma. Ideologically, Biasini’s printing press was much more receptive to the literature of the expelled and suppressed Jesuits. For his part, Bodoni was always in the classic regalistas, antijesuistas, Spanish and Italian, which was reflected in the shortage of printed works in the Real Printing of Parma and in the particular Bodoni own.

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