
Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici is one of the most important diseases of wheat. Introduction of resistance genes is the best way to protect plants against diseases. Due to the appearance of new races of the pathogen the stability of plant resistance can be obtained by introducing and accumulating new resistance genes. So far Lr50 gene had been used in a small scale in Polish wheat breeding. The aim of this study was to verify the effectiveness of the marker Xgdm87 in winter wheat reference genotypes obtained from the National Small Grains Collection from the United States and then to test the 13 Polish winter wheat varieties for the presence of the gene Lr50. Xgdm87 marker linked to the gene Lr50 was identified in the reference materials, and then in 2 varieties of winter wheat: Arkadia and Astoria.


  • Lr50 gene had been used in a small scale in Polish wheat breeding

  • The aim of this study was to verify the effectiveness of the marker Xgdm87 in winter wheat reference genotypes obtained from the National Small Grains Collection from the United States and to test the 13 Polish winter wheat varieties for the presence of the gene Lr50

  • Xgdm87 marker linked to the gene Lr50 was identified in the reference materials, and in 2 varieties of winter wheat: Arkadia and Astoria

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Celem pracy było sprawdzenie skuteczności markera Xgdm87 w genotypach referencyjnych pszenicy ozimej otrzymanych z Narodowej Kolekcji Roślin Zbożowych (National Small Grains Collection) ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, a następnie przetestowanie 13 polskich odmian pszenicy ozimej na obecność genu Lr50. Marker Xgdm87 sprzężony z genem Lr50 został zidentyfikowany w materiałach referencyjnych oraz w polskich odmianach pszenicy ozimej Arkadia oraz Astoria. Dotychczas udało się zidentyfikować ponad 70 genów odporności na rdzę brunatną

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