
Provable Data Possession PDP is a technique for checking whether data is correctly stored in remote servers without retrieving the entire data. For many previous PDP schemes, correctly choosing public key for clients relies on the security of Public Key Infrastructure PKI, but PKI itself still faces many kinds of security vulnerabilities. In addition, the verification of certificates introduces heavy computation and communication cost. In this paper, we propose an Identity-Based Batch Provable Data Possession ID-BPDP scheme to eliminate the certificate management. Meanwhile, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first identity-based provable data possession scheme supporting batch verification for multiple owners and multiple clouds simultaneously to reduce computation cost greatly. Our scheme is provably correct and secure based on bilinear pairings and the hardness assumption of Computational Diffie-Hellman problem, and our analyses/simulations show that the scheme is able to verify the integrity of data efficiently.

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