
Adolescence is a turbulent time during which many young people reflect on their identities. Identity development is particularly challenging for immigrant children and children of immigrants . This chapter focuses on the dynamics of identity development and the construction of a sense of self among youth of Vietnamese origin in the Czech Republic . Based on field research, the chapter shows how these young people contest an ascribed identity, seeking to establish an identity of their own, while trying to come to terms with both the traditional Vietnamese culture of their parents and the way of life of the majority society that affected their socialization processes. The goal of this research was to focus on the dynamics of the processes involved in identity development rather than ascertain whether the children label themselves as Vietnamese or Czech , or something in between (“identity outcomes ”). Our chapter shows that immigrant children and children of immigrants are active agents in the process of defining their position “between the two cultures” and do not just passively accept labels used by members of the host society. As social actors, they actively negotiate their identities in social interactions with others.

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