
In an identity-based threshold broadcast encryption (IDTHBE) scheme, a broadcaster chooses a set of n recipients and a threshold value t, and the plaintext can be recovered only if at least t receivers cooperate. IDTHBE scheme is different from the standard threshold public key encryption schemes, where the set of receivers and the threshold value are decided from the beginning. This kind of scheme has wide applications in ad hoc networks. Previously proposed IDTHBE schemes have ciphertexts which contain at least n elements. In addition, the security of theses schemes relies on the random oracles. In this paper, we introduce two new constructions of IDTHBE for ad hoc networks. Our first scheme achieves |S|-size private keys while the modified scheme achieves constant size private keys. Both schemes achieve approximately (n-t)-size ciphertexts. Furthermore, we also show that they are provable security under the decision bilinear Diffie-Hellman Exponent (BDHE) assumption in the standard model.

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