
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a highly efficacious treatment for appropriately selected patients with advanced, medically refractory Parkinson's disease (PD). It is severely underutilized in Black patients-constituting a major treatment gap. The source of this disparity is unknown, but its identification and correction are necessary to provide equitable care. To identify sources of racial disparity in DBS for PD. We predicted the demographics of potential DBS candidates by synthesizing published data on PD and race. We retrospectively examined the clinical course of a cohort including all patients with PD evaluated for DBS at our center from 2016 to 2020, testing whether the rate of DBS use and time from evaluation to surgery differed by race. We also tested whether the geographic distribution of patient catchment was biased relative to racial demographics. Far fewer Black patients were evaluated for DBS than would be expected, given regional demographics. There was no significant difference in the rate at which Black patients evaluated in our clinic were treated with DBS, compared with White patients. Fewer patients were recruited from portions of the surrounding area with larger Black populations. The known underuse of DBS in Black patients with PD was replicated in this sample from a center in a racially diverse metropolitan area, but was not attributable to the presurgical workup. Future work should examine the transition from medical management to surgical evaluation where drivers of disparity are potentially situated. Surgical practices should increase outreach to physicians managing PD in underserved areas.

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