
Introduction: The importance of Accountable education and the necessity of its existence in medical sciences universities is so important that one of the major policies of transformation and innovation packages in medical sciences education is the institutionalization of the approach of responsive education in the health system. The aim of the current research was to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the field of medical science education and provide implementation solutions in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences.
 Methods: The present research was carried out qualitatively in two stages in 2021 at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. At first, a review of literature in Persian and English databases was done, and in the second stage, 21 managers of the university education field were purposefully selected to participate in the expert panel, and then findings were theoretically saturated. Data analysis was done using the Kruger method.
 Results: In this study, strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats in the field of responsive medical science education in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences were identified, and then implementation strategies to deal with the challenges using existing opportunities were investigated.
 Conclusion: Based on results the coordination and strengthening of the common attitude between the different vice-chancellors of the university and staff managers, the revision of the curriculum and training programs, the emergence of a common understanding of the concepts of accountability in medical science education among the various stakeholders and determining sufficient motivations in the university can provide the basis for improving social accountability in medical science education.

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