
As endpoints of the hierarchical mass-assembly process, the stellar populations of local early-type galaxies encode the assembly history of galaxies over cosmic time. We use Horizon-AGN, a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation, to study the merger histories of local early-type galaxies and track how the morphological mix of their progenitors evolves over time. We provide a framework for alleviating `progenitor bias' -- the bias that occurs if one uses only early-type galaxies to study the progenitor population. Early-types attain their final morphology at relatively early epochs -- by $z\sim1$, around 60 per cent of today's early-types have had their last significant merger. At all redshifts, the majority of mergers have one late-type progenitor, with late-late mergers dominating at $z>1.5$ and early-early mergers becoming significant only at $z<0.5$. Progenitor bias is severe at all but the lowest redshifts -- e.g. at $z\sim0.6$, less than 50 per cent of the stellar mass in today's early-types is actually in progenitors with early-type morphology, while, at $z\sim2$, studying only early-types misses almost all (80 per cent) of the stellar mass that eventually ends up in local early-type systems. At high redshift, almost all massive late-type galaxies, regardless of their local environment or star-formation rate, are progenitors of local early-type galaxies, as are lower-mass (M$_\star$ $<$ 10$^{10.5}$ M$_{\odot}$) late-types as long as they reside in high density environments. In this new era of large observational surveys (e.g. LSST, JWST), this study provides a framework for studying how today's early-type galaxies have been built up over cosmic time.


  • In the standard ΛCDM paradigm, galaxy formation proceeds hierarchically

  • For Horizon-active galactic nuclei (AGN) galaxies that still host a significant disc at z = 0.06, we find that old stars are more likely to be found in orbits outside of the plane of the disc, symptomatic of the fact that, at these early epochs, gas fractions and merger rates were typically higher on average

  • We have used the Horizon-AGN cosmological hydrodynamical simulation, which produces good agreement with the observed properties of galaxies in the redshift range 0 < z < 5, to study how the progenitors of local early-type galaxies evolve over cosmic time

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In the standard ΛCDM paradigm, galaxy formation proceeds hierarchically. Dark matter halos, which arise as a result of primordial fluctuations in the initial matter density field (Starobinsky 1982; Guth & Pi 1982; Hawking 1982), merge to form progressively more massive haloes over cosmic time (e.g. Blumenthal et al 1984; Kauffmann et al 1993; Somerville & Primack 1999). We use the Horizon-AGN2 cosmological simulation (Dubois et al 2014; Kaviraj et al 2017) to (1) quantify the evolution of the progenitor population of today’s early-type galaxies and (2) provide a route for identifying late-type galaxies that are progenitors of present-day early-types in observational surveys, by estimating the probability of a given late-type to be the progenitor of a local early-type system, as a function of measurable observables like redshift, stellar mass, star-formation rate and local density.

Identifying galaxies and building merger trees
Identifying the galaxy sample
Producing merger histories
Local environment
Star-formation rate
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