
We used electroencephalographic (EEG) and magnetoencephalographic dipole lateralizations to identify the primary epileptogenic hemisphere in 41 children with intractable localization-related epilepsy. We compared EEG and magnetoencephalographic dipole lateralizations, EEG ictal onsets, and magnetic resonance images (MRIs). Concordant lateralization of EEG and magnetoencephalographic dipoles (> 50% of each lateralizing to the same hemisphere) occurred in 34 patients, with EEG ictal onsets in the same hemisphere in 23 (68%) and concordant MRI lesions in 23 (68%). Focal resection in 16 of 20 patients resulted in a good surgical outcome. Of the seven children with nonconcordant magnetoencephalographic and EEG lateralizations, one (14%) had EEG ictal onset and one (14%) had MRI lesions that lateralized; none had surgery. The relationship between lateralized EEG and magnetoencephalographic dipoles forecasts surgical candidacy. Concordant lateralizations predict good seizure control after surgery by identifying the primary epileptogenic hemisphere. Discordant lateralizations signify an undetermined epileptogenic hemisphere and contraindicate surgery without further testing.

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