
The present study seeks to explore the impact of Environmental Concern (EC), Health Consciousness (HC), and Social Influence (SI) on green buying intentions of millennial consumers in Indian settings. The target population is Indian millennials who are born between 1981 and 1997 and are in age range of 24 years to 40 years. The sample size has been calculated as 385 by using appropriate formula. Primary data was collected using a self administered questionnaire. It is hypothesized that environmental concern, health consciousness, and social influence significantly affects green purchase intentions of millennials in India. The relation between three independent variables (EC, HC, and SI) and one dependent variable (GPI) has been empirically analyzed by applying multiple regression technique using SPSS software. The findings suggest that green purchase intentions of Indian millennials are significantly affected by social influence, less affected by health consciousness, and least impacted by environmental concern.

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