
Background: Understanding the brain function and how it coordinate the motor activity, means to have a map of brain using a lot of modern technologies which can give us information about the role and functions of different brain areas. Objective: The aim of our study is to explore the brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG) and make the evaluation of differences in brain functions depend on specific sport activity. Methods: We make the study on two lots of athletes from judo (12subjects) and volleyball (11subjects), yrs. 22. All of them have a great sport activity experience and the anthropometric characteristics are similar. For recording the brain activity we use Nihon EEG product. The protocol of the research includes recording of brain activity during muscle contraction and relax of hand flexors. The parameters that we follow up are alpha1, alpha2 and theta waves. The information have been analysed using statistic methods and Pearson coefficient. Judo players present a little bit increase values of theta waves and we observe also a correlation between alpha waves for dominant hemisphere. For the second lot the the values of theta waves are highest. Conclusions: Analyse the behaviour of EEG waves could help the trainer and staff for approach the training results in term of build the brain and motor pattern. This is the result of professional approach of training based on neurophysiologic assessment using the brain mapping.


  • New motor skills are learn by humans the entire life, so, studying the movements characteristic to a specific sports, is the best way to understand, complex movements connected to the memory process, which appear due to the plasticity of some neuronal structures form two different areas of central nervous system, one is M1 area, responsible for high precision movements and the other is represented by the circuits between cerebellum and corpus striatum (Buonomano,1998)

  • EEG responses were recorded with surface electrodes which present a letter to emphasize the lobe (F frontal, Fp frontal polar, T temporal, P parietal, C central, O occipital) and a number to point the hemisphere location, placed on the scalp according to the electroencephalography 10-20 system (Figure 1), bipolar acquisition, 16 channels, the reference being the two ears (A1, A2), using a time constant of 0,3 seconds and a filter below 50 Hz (Constantin et al, 2008, Criciotoiu et al, 2019)

  • Taking into account that recent papers of functional anatomy, which emphasized strong connections between motor areas and prefrontal ones (Matsumoto et al, 2004, p.181-197; Nikolić et al, 2012; Park et al, 2015; Pearce et al, 2000) and the experience of investigated subjects, we considered opportune, the EEG evaluation of a group of athletes, whom neuronal patterns were predicted to be clearly define and well differentiated for the tested sports

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Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics in 2013, suggested a definition of brain mapping, in concordance with, in generally, represents the study of physiology and anatomy of brain and spinal cord, by using image techniques, neurophysiology and nanotechnology.It represents a set of neuroscience techniques predicated on the mapping of quantities or properties onto spatial representations of the human or non-human brain resulting in maps (Toga and Mazziotta, 2002).New motor skills are learn by humans the entire life, so, studying the movements characteristic to a specific sports, is the best way to understand, complex movements connected to the memory process, which appear due to the plasticity (every new taught motor skill is superpose over cortical areas specific for other old activities) of some neuronal structures form two different areas of central nervous system, one is M1 area, responsible for high precision movements and the other is represented by the circuits between cerebellum and corpus striatum (Buonomano,1998).Considering that many recent research papers about functional anatomy, emphasized strong connections between motor cerebral areas and pre-frontal ones and that professional training performed on a period of time longer than 5 years, produced cerebral hemispheres functional plastic modifications,this connection worth to be study on (Doppelmayr & Doppelmayr, 2008).According to (Aglioti et al, 2000,) EEG is one of the oldest methods, for assessing the relationship between brain and behavior and provides a direct real-time measure of neural activity.Pretty low number of actual studies regarding cerebral neuronal mechanisms adaptation to a certain type of professional training, correlated to the practiced sports, led us to the research development of the way in which neuromuscular adaptation is realized based on some specific cerebral patterns evolution. Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics in 2013, suggested a definition of brain mapping, in concordance with, in generally, represents the study of physiology and anatomy of brain and spinal cord, by using image techniques, neurophysiology and nanotechnology. Conclusions: Analyse the behaviour of EEG waves could help the trainer and staff for approach the training results in term of build the brain and motor pattern. This is the result of professional approach of training based on neurophysiologic assessment using the brain mapping

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