
This study focuses on the deep-inflow mixing features of the orographically locked diurnal convection, involving interactions between local circulation and the thermodynamic environment of the convection. Under the weak synoptic weather regime, orographically locked diurnal convection is a typical summertime phenomenon in Taiwan, a tropical island in the Asian monsoon region. Numerical simulations are carried out using the vector vorticity equation model with high-resolution Taiwan topography (TaiwanVVM), which can appropriately simulate the characteristics of diurnal convection and the evolution of boundary layer and local circulation. The semi-realistic approach, simplified by observed soundings as the uniform initial condition over the entire domain, emphasizes the decisive environmental factors that modulate the development of convection, representing the variability of the background environment by the ensembles. The analyses by the deep-inflow mixing framework, including the locally-derived convective structures and the upstream moist static energy (MSE) transport, improve the understanding of the interactive physical processes in the boundary layer development and local circulation evolution of orographically locked diurnal convection over complex topography. The convective structures of the deep-inflow mixing, increasing vertical velocity and convective mass flux with height through a deep lower-tropospheric inflow layer, are found in strong convective updraft columns within heavily-precipitating systems over precipitation hotspots. While the topography constrains the location of the convection, enhanced convective development is associated with higher upstream MSE transport through this deep-inflow layer via local circulation, augmenting the rain rate by 35% in precipitation hotspots. The results highlight the importance of non-local dynamical entrainment of the deep-inflow, transporting MSE via local circulation to supply the growth of orographically locked diurnal convection. Thus, the deep-inflow mixing framework can serve as the theoretical basis for describing the orographic locking feature of diurnal convection over complex topography. Guided by the simulations, the Storm Tracker mini-radiosondes are released upstream of the precipitation hotspot, targeting observations within the most common deep-inflow path. Initial field measurements support the presence of high MSE transport within the deep-inflow layer when organized convection occurs at the precipitation hotspot.

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