
In this study, we describe and analyse the morphology of the sagitta, the largest otolith, of 25 species of Gobiidae inhabiting the Adriatic and north-western Mediterranean seas. Our goal was to test the usefulness and efficiency of sagittal otoliths for species identification. Our analysis of otolith contours was based on mathematical descriptors called wavelets, which are related to multi-scale decompositions of contours. Two methods of classification were used: an iterative system based on 10 wavelets that searches the Anàlisi de Formes d'Otòlits (AFORO) database and a discriminant method based only on the fifth wavelet. With the exception of paedomorphic species, the results showed that otolith anatomy and morphometry can be used as diagnostic characters distinguishing the three Mediterranean phylogenetic goby lineages (Pomatoschistus or sand-goby lineage, Aphia lineage and Gobius lineage). The main anatomical differences were related to overall shape (square to rhomboid), the development and shape of the postero-dorsal and antero-ventral lobes and the degree of convexity of dorsal and ventral margins. Iterative classifications and discriminant analysis of otolith contour provided very similar results. In both cases, more than 70% of specimens were correctly classified to species and more than 80% to genus. Iterations in the larger AFORO database (including 216 families of teleosts) attained a 100% correct classification at the family level.

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